Are you a procrastinator?

Home - Leadership - Are you a procrastinator?
5 year(s) ago
2 mins, 10 secs read

Let’s talk about procrastination…

Yes… I admit it, I am a procrastinator. I think most of us are… and perhaps in some areas more than others.

Some examples of the kinds of things I procrastinate on:

  1. Admin
  2. Exercise
  3. Packing a suitcase before I travel

The crazy thing is that when it comes to admin like invoicing, which I know is the only way I’ll get paid for my work, I still procrastinate. But we all have our own special areas where we procrastinate and I certainly can relate to last-minute panic. 

Here’s what I’ve discovered.

There are usually 3 reasons we procrastinate:

  1. We lack desire – we just don’t like doing it
  2. We lack skill – we know we need to learn something in order to do it well
  3. We’re being propelled to a new level of growth – we need to leave our comfort zone, take a risk and grow in order to do this

Sometimes a task can seem like a 1 (above) but it’s actually a 3. We think we don’t like it but we’re being called on to grow a little, stretch a little and take a step to reach new heights.

And the solutions are: 

  1. Hand over, ask for help or get yourself an accountability buddy to just get through it
  2. Learn what you need to learn and remember – it doesn’t have to be perfect – or hire someone with that skill if you have no desire to learn it
  3. This is the fun one – ask yourself, what is the new level of growth and can you get excited about that?

S0 take a look at something you’ve been procrastinating on and see if it falls into one of the categories above. If not, let me know so we can uncover another one…

What do you procrastinate on and which strategy would work for you?

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