Refreshing your leadership style - How to keep connecting while the world changes

Home - Leadership - Refreshing your leadership style - How to keep connecting while the world changes
3 year(s) ago
3 mins, 21 secs read

Last week I sent out an email with an enticing subject line – the BEST and ONLY way to do things. I chose that subject line to reflect that even though we know there’s no BEST and ONLY way to do things when we see a headline like that, we’re still curious about it. Is there something that could be the best way and if so, what is it?


This is because we’re wired to seek out the quick wins and the easiest way to a solution. If someone can offer that to us, why not? And we’re bound to be disappointed when we realise that there isn’t only ONE way to do things, especially when it comes to leadership style.


When it comes to your leadership approach, it’s important to cultivate self-awareness so that you can figure out the best way to do things for you, your situation, your personality, and your objectives. And that’s what I wrote about last week (Click here to read it).

So how often do you think about your leadership style and the impact you’re having?


Is it time for a fresh look?


As a CEO you’re the one who sets the tone and direction for your business. New developments, people engagement, culture all come from how you approach leadership.


You might think your leadership style is an inherent part of who you are and there’s not much you can do to change it. You are who you are and certain things just come as part of the package.


There is some truth to this.


Because your leadership style is strongly connected to your personality, strengths, and blind spots, all of which form your unique leadership approach.


At the same time, there’s always the opportunity to adjust your style while preserving who you are as a person and a leader. It is possible to tweak your style and improve the things that can be improved so that you can have a more and better impact.


So, how do you do it?


Through building self-awareness and making time for personal reflection (and of course, working with a coach to uncover your blind spots).


While the world keeps changing around you, the best thing you can do is pause for a moment and think. It’s important for you to reflect on how you’re dealing with the current challenges, turbulence, and lack of connection. What’s stressing you and what’s exciting you?


And when you know where your thinking (and feeling) is, you can connect to others from that place – sharing your experience and hearing about theirs. This creates a more solid and deeper level of connection.


Adapting your leadership style for more connection is not an easy task and it’s not about going ‘soft.’ It’s about taking an interest in the people around you, asking questions and listening, showing that you care. To do this well you need to get clear on how uncertainty and challenges are impacting you and making time to be present.


Want to learn more about how CEOs are refreshing their leadership style in uncertainty?


Have a listen to today’s podcast with Emil Dobrovolschi & Octavian Pantis. Emil is a pilot with Tarom Airlines, who knows that trust and connection are critical to the leadership of his flight crew.

So tune in to today’s Leadership Live Podcast Episode 51where Emil Dobrovolschi & Octavian Pantis share their leadership stories as described in the book they co-authored, “Dark Cockpit,” gives leadership lessons from a pilot’s perspective


Are you ready to commit so you can gain self-awareness and stay connected? Have a look at the CEO Habits Bootcamp here.


If you’re looking for a leadership mentor that will help you grow your leadership mindset and achieve your business goals, get in touch with us for one-on-one leadership coaching & mentoring.