Are you hesitating?

Home - Leadership - Are you hesitating?
2 year(s) ago
1 min, 24 secs read

Here’s something I’ve been thinking about…

I’m curious and I’d love your feedback:

Have you ever thought about working with a coach but hesitated for any particular reason(s)?

I’d love to talk about that.

What are the reasons you’re hesitating?

And what would your dream scenario be in terms of the support a coach could provide for you?

Given your current needs, what kind of program would really benefit you right now?

I’m writing this today because one of my clients recently shared his original hesitation to work with me. He wasn’t sure he really needed it until he received feedback about his leadership style which was hurting his team’s motivation and performance.

Sometimes we are hesitant to reach out and ask for help or even to share what’s troubling us.

Sometimes it takes someone close to us to notice that something is up, give us feedback and suggest that we seek guidance.

Thankfully, my client listened to the feedback, realised he needed help to get his leadership approach on track and reached out to me to work together.

So I wondered if (and where) you may be holding back at the moment, when in fact you could really use some help.

Is there a situation that’s on your mind that could benefit from having a thinking and brainstorming partner?

Feel free to DM me if you have anything to share, and I’ll be happy to start a conversation!

OR reach out to the person you know can help and start a conversation with them… and write in the comments – PINK ELEPHANT – just for fun!

Wishing you an extraordinary day!