

The other day I was at home, on the phone, when my daughter walked in. I heard her come in and said to the caller, “hold on a sec.” I then went to greet her at the door.When I returned to my conversation, the caller asked me who it was that I said hello to...
The 5 Levels of Leadership

The 5 Levels of Leadership

Are you an effective leader, one who leaves a legacy and is loved and respected by your people? Perhaps an answer can be found by defining leadership. What is it exactly? We hear and read a lot about effective leadership, but what really defines a leader? As we...
Ed Sheeran & Leadership

Ed Sheeran & Leadership

I’m inspired… I’ve just returned from a Mom-Daughter trip to Lyon, France, where we saw Ed Sheeran in concert. The concert went way beyond a show… It turned into an experience. I felt like I had gone through a journey from watching a show to...
Leading with Impact: Ego or Purpose?

Leading with Impact: Ego or Purpose?

In a world dominated by ego, many leaders have a distorted view of their own importance and power. That’s why it is imperative to keep checking in with yourself by asking whether you are leading from a place of ego or purpose. Ego is about what you get; Purpose is...
Personal Mastery: 3 Rules for Life

Personal Mastery: 3 Rules for Life

Whether we know it or not, we’re all seeking personal mastery. This comes down to our purpose, vision, belief, commitment, and self-awareness. It is knowing what our potential is and striving to reach it. Personal mastery is imperative for the modern leader, because...
12 Rules for life

12 Rules for life

There’s a new trend since the buzz around Jordan Peterson’s book, 12 rules for life, for various famous people to create their own 12 rules for life. Is 12 a magic number around which we can build rules based on our life experience, wisdom and sense of fun?  ...