Before I die, I want to...

Home - Leadership - Before I die, I want to...
12 year(s) ago
1 min, 48 secs read
Candy Chang’s TED talk on this topic is a powerful, inspirational must-see. Candy reflects on her experience of losing a loved one and how this allowed her to confront the idea of death without fear. She asked herself the question of what is it that she wants to do before she dies. And then went on to find out what her neighbors had to say about it.
Many of us have been confronted with a death in some way – whether it was the loss of a loved one or a near-death of our own. I know that my own brush with death, made me a lot less scared of the subject. I know I can speak about death in a way that often makes other people think I am a bit weird but actually… it is part of life. Heck, if facing death makes you want to live each day with more purpose and meaning, then I say it comes bearing gifts too.
Take a moment to think about it and complete the sentence:
Before I die, I want to…
Then make a plan to make it happen. Allow your real desires to be articulated, to be put out there and then take one step towards making it a reality.
So here is mine for today (and I believe this can change depending on your mood or time of day):
Before I die, I want to know that I have made a difference. I want to feel that I have touched lives and contributed to something that is bigger than myself. I want to travel the world and feel the joys of nature. I want to see my children happy!
I invite you to complete the sentence on this blog. Make it fun, make it serious, make it funny! As you wish. Come on… let’s create a movement!
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