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Master your mindset, inspire your team, elevate your business.
We always give you something to think about and apply to become an even better leader
The incredible tale of the fish who didn’t know about water
In this video, I share a story about two fish happily swimming in the sea, going about their usual business, as fish do. After a few minutes of calm and quiet, Fish 1 turns to Fish 2 and asks, "How's the water today? Fish 2 responds, "Water? What...
Are you hesitating?
Here’s something I’ve been thinking about… I’m curious and I’d love your feedback: Have you ever thought about working with a coach but hesitated for any particular reason(s)? I'd love to talk about that. What are the reasons you’re hesitating? And...
Halfway through the year – It’s time to ignite positive habits
As we zoom through the second week of July, we’re officially past the halfway point of the year. I’ve found this is a great time to reflect on how the year has gone, and how I want the rest of my year to look. How am I tracking on my goals,...
Creating Habits that Stick: The Inside-Out Approach
Over the last few weeks, I've written a series of leadership articles. I talked about why it's hard to be a leader; the 10 things every good leader must know; can leadership be learned? and how important it is to receive training and coaching for...
Can leadership be learned?
Last week I wrote about the 10 things good leaders should know. If you missed it, click here.A question I often get asked is whether leadership skills can be learned.Some people believe that you either have it or you don't.I believe that leadership...
10 things you need to know to be a good Leader
Last week I spoke about why it's so hard to be a leader. I also gave you a quick assessment to see how you're doing. If you want to read that article click here.This week I'm getting a bit more practical by looking at the areas you need to be...