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Master your mindset, inspire your team, elevate your business.
We always give you something to think about and apply to become an even better leader

ChatGPT vs. Human Coach or Mentor: Who wins?

ChatGPT vs. Human Coach or Mentor: Who wins?

Have you taken a few moments to play around with ChatGPT? If you haven’t, I’d suggest you give it a try to keep up to date with trends that could impact your business and to get a sense of its capabilities (and limitations). I’ve been having a lot...

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From struggle to strength

From struggle to strength

Why do we let challenges cloud our successes? Why do we overlook the really hard work it takes (and lots of hard times) to reach a successful endpoint? And how can we overcome our feelings of failure and stuckness so we can move into action towards...

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How to Beat Imposter Syndrome

How to Beat Imposter Syndrome

When I say imposter syndrome, what comes up for you? What are your thoughts and feelings on this topic? Do you get a feeling of recognition in the pit of your stomach? Or perhaps it’s more curiosity - What does it mean? How does it show up?...

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