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Master your mindset, inspire your team, elevate your business.
We always give you something to think about and apply to become an even better leader
How’s the year going so far?
As we approach the new year and even a couple of weeks into it, we tend to have the desire to plan, start fresh, and set goals. The truth is that we can set goals anytime we want. There’s really nothing that says we have to wait for 1 January to do...
How to Beat Imposter Syndrome
When I say imposter syndrome, what comes up for you? What are your thoughts and feelings on this topic? Do you get a feeling of recognition in the pit of your stomach? Or perhaps it’s more curiosity - What does it mean? How does it show up?...
Daily Leadership Inspiration – Gratitude
Here's a bonus leadership inspiration for today - 50+1! because my list isn't complete without saying something about gratitude. Being in a daily state of gratitude has been shown to lift our mood, help us manage our challenges and hold an...
Daily Leadership Inspiration – Self-doubt
You know that voice in your head that speaks to you and often sows seeds of self-doubt? We all have it. Our unique inner critic that exclaims “idiot” (or something similar) when we make a mistake. The one that says, “You’re not good enough” when...
Daily Leadership Inspiration – Sorry
Made a mess? Hurt someone’s feelings? Say you’re sorry! Apologising is not easy for many people, but it does have the magical ability to heal, connect and rebuild relationships. When I mess up, I take ownership and say I’m sorry. How you say you’re...
Daily Leadership Inspiration – Thinking
You can change your thinking to create better results. Is it possible to change our results just by changing our thinking? The short answer is yes! Here's the long answer... (and there's an even longer one which I'm happy to send you, see below):...