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Master your mindset, inspire your team, elevate your business.
We always give you something to think about and apply to become an even better leader
Avoid multitasking your vacation – 5 Tips for keeping a check on work while on vacation
As this turbulent year comes to an end, we’ve seen the best and the worst side of life, people, and business. How about you give yourself the gift of reflection? Click here and let me know your answer to these 2 questions: 1. Use ONE WORD to...
As a leader – It’s all about perspective
Last week I posted this poem on social media and I love it so much that I wanted to share it with you here as well. Zebra Question by Shel SilversteinI asked the zebraAre you black with white stripes?Or white with black stripes?And the zebra asked...
Leadership shift – employee wellbeing takes center stage
"When you find you're why, you find a way to make it happen." - Eric Thomas I'm a big believer in finding your why and making sure you're driven by a sense of purpose in everything you do.This is especially important when it comes to leadership....
What are you saying NO to?
It’s the last day of November so I can still get this thought in (which I heard from my own coach last week). The idea is this - Let’s think of November as the month to clean up, focus our thinking, streamline our activities and take a look at what...
Taking time to celebrate and review leadership highlights
Season 2 of leadership live is coming to an end with one final episode that celebrates a thrilling season of conversations, coaching sessions, and a few solos – 57 episodes in total! That's something to celebrate. The big themes of the season are:...
Elevate your leadership with plant medicine journeys – are you curious?
If you’re on a path of self-development and searching for a mindset shift or awakening of some sort, (and you may have tried different forms of therapy or coaching), it's likely that you've come across talk about various plant medicine journeys and...