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Master your mindset, inspire your team, elevate your business.
We always give you something to think about and apply to become an even better leader
End of year question for you…
How has this year been the best year of your life? Let me know, I’d love to know. Leadership Mojo – The unique energy, confidence and clarity that enable leaders to inspire, influence, and make an extraordinary impact.
The Career Crossroads That Changed Everything
I’ll never forget the December morning more than a decade ago when I realized my career was running on empty. I was a high-achieving professional (actuary) who looked successful on the outside but felt lost on the inside. Working long hours with...
Is 2024 going as planned?Is 2024 going as planned?
As 2024 comes to an end, are you exceeding, hitting or missing your goals (financially, personally, business or career-wise)? So, where are you at? Are you hitting your goals? If yes, well done! Staying on track and achieving what you...
From Overwhelmed to Purposeful
I remember coming close to burning out in 2015. There I was, a high-performing consultant, having just moved to live in a new country and continued working at the same pace, thinking more hours meant I can do it all and have everything under...
What would it mean to lead with your heart, not just your head? #mojo
Our head usually wants to run the show but we have access to much more information in our hearts and our bodies. A simple example is when someone asks you to do something, your head will go through the analysis- pros and cons- and the answer is not...
Unlock Your Leadership Mojo: Your 2025 Strategy BOOST Begins Here!
As we come to the end of the year, how are you feeling? Are you energized and ready for 2025?Perhaps you're feeling tired and wondering how to navigate another potentially challenging year? Wherever you’re at right now, I've got something powerful...