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Master your mindset, inspire your team, elevate your business.
We always give you something to think about and apply to become an even better leader
Decision-making as a CEO – are you the bottleneck?
What do you think is the main job of a CEO? In fact, I could ask this question for anyone in a leadership position. I know that’s a tough question because the answer is probably… It depends. But if you had to step back and consider a theme that...
Things change – random encounters, spontaneity & leadership
In a conversation with a client last week, we spoke about the things we’ve become used to with the integration of the new normal in our lives. With many countries experiencing varying degrees of restrictions, lockdowns and sheltering at home, we’ve...
Leadership brand – What’s your crazy idea?
Crazy ideas don’t always win - but sometimes they do.Here are some ideas that when I first saw them, I thought they were crazy.Laddered hosiery - by Gucci - priced at $190 a pair. Can you believe that? I no longer need to throw out my laddered...
How to get to the issue behind the issue
What’s the issue underneath the issue? Sometimes the problems or challenges we're facing the need to be taken a level deeper to discover what's really going on within us before we can solve that problem. And that is why I’m passionate about CEOs...
The most powerful question a leader can ask
WDYT - What do you think? This is the most powerful question a leader can ask his team. Instead of being ready with an answer or solution at any given moment, next time an employee comes to you with a problem, try asking this question and see what...
Owners make the best employees – create an ‘own-it’ culture
How would your business be different if every employee had equity in the business? When you give ownership to your employees, they care a lot more about the success of the company because they have a stake in it. They're more committed and you’re...