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Master your mindset, inspire your team, elevate your business.
We always give you something to think about and apply to become an even better leader

Morning Routine

Morning Routine

One of my favourite episodes of Leadership Live was released a couple of week ago: Morning Routine - How to set up your day for success? Click here to listen to the episode Morning routines is something that I keep playing with to see what works...

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Dinner for Two

Dinner for Two

A conversation with a dear client recently led us to the question - Which great leader we’d love to spend time with, in person, over dinner? What would we want to gain from this dinner - knowledge and insights? perspective? soaking up their way of...

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My favourite Thing

My favourite Thing

My favourite thing to do at the start of the weekend, which for me begins on Friday morning, is to run to the beach. It’s an 8km run from my house. My first glimpse of the sea - feeling the sea breeze, smelling the sea air and seeing the vast body...

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