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Master your mindset, inspire your team, elevate your business.
We always give you something to think about and apply to become an even better leader
Critical Mistakes to Avoid
“If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell 6 friends. If you make customers unhappy on the Internet, they can each tell 6,000 friends.”― Jeff Bezos There are countless ways to promote yourself or your business...
EP 7 – Working Remotely in Crisis
In times of crisis, we need to make changes quickly and efficiently and we’ve shown that we’ve been able to do this really well. From going to work every day, having that daily commute and consistent routine, we’re now at home full-time and we’ve...
A great C-suite social media profile
“Social media waits for no-one.”― Aaron Lee Executives are often more visible both in real life and in the online space, with both their personal and professional profiles often viewed (and scrutinized). As company leaders, executives should...
EP 6 – Staying Motivated in Crisis
What kills our motivation? How can we increase motivation in stressful times? In this episode, we look at both sides of the motivation coin. When we’re facing high levels of change and uncertainty our system...
Finding Courage When Facing Challenges
"Courage is not the absence of fear.It is feeling the fear and doing it anyway."― TJ Hoisington I’m sure you’ve heard the saying - life happens while you’re busy planning. We can try to prepare for various eventualities but in truth, we can...
Leadership Live – Trailer
This podcast is where you’ll find practical tips and ideas on how to deal with these challenges and become an extraordinary leader. The goal of this podcast is to expand your knowledge, up-level your leadership skills, and deliver extraordinary...