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Master your mindset, inspire your team, elevate your business.
We always give you something to think about and apply to become an even better leader
A Strategy Boost 2020
Everybody needs a BOOST at times, especially after a year of hard work and milestones achieved (some in full, some partially and some perhaps not at all). As 2019 draws to a close, I'm sure you're preparing to take time off and enjoy a good break,...
Some things are too urgent to be rushed
A while ago, I watched an interview with Peter Senge and right at the end, he said something that really made me pause For him, it may have been a bit of a throwaway line right at the end but for me, it was a highlight of the interview. Things are...
Company culture – how to build something that lasts?
Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft tells an interesting story of an interview question he botched up, early on in his career. He was asked: You're at the crossroads, a baby falls and is crying, what will you do? He thinks… and then answers, “I'll go...
I just don’t have time…
What is the one thing you’d really love to do but keep saying you just don’t have the time? For me, it's playing the saxophone. I think that in the last year, I’ve probably played it less than 5 times. This is an activity that makes me really happy...
Are you a procrastinator?
Let’s talk about procrastination... Yes… I admit it, I am a procrastinator. I think most of us are… and perhaps in some areas more than others. Some examples of the kinds of things I procrastinate on: Admin Exercise Packing a suitcase before I...
If only I had an extra hour a day…
A few weeks ago, I asked a question on LinkedIn and Facebook: What would you do with an extra hour every day? Imagine that our day was now 25 hours instead of 24. Would that help us or hinder us? What will you do? Would we just do more of the same...