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Master your mindset, inspire your team, elevate your business.
We always give you something to think about and apply to become an even better leader
CEO Leadership Series: What does it take to be a Successful (and Effective) CEO?
The CEO’s leadership style is one of the biggest indicators of a company’s future success. With this in mind, how do you think you’re doing? Are you spending time identifying which traits that are serving you and your business and which may be holding you back?
12 Rules for life
There’s a new trend since the buzz around Jordan Peterson’s book, 12 rules for life, for various famous people to create their own 12 rules for life. Is 12 a magic number around which we can build rules based on our life experience, wisdom and sense of fun?
Take it easy… but take it!
Take it easy... But take it! In my family, "take it easy" is something we often say to each other when we're going through a tough time. The expression, while I'm sure is meant as a vote of support and care, leaves me feeling less than comforted,...
Its too urgent to be rushed
Today I watched an interview with Peter Senge and right at the end, he said something that really made me pause... For him, it seemed to be like a bit of a throwaway line but for me, it was the highlight of the interview. Things are way too urgent...
Week 1: What are you beginning this week?
As I woke up this morning, an interesting visual appeared in my mind. It was a banner (kind of old movie, Charlie Chaplin style) that said, WEEK 1 I'm a great believer in the power of sleep. I regularly go to sleep while intentionally...
Courage and Confidence – which comes first?
My favourite topic for a keynote or workshop is: The 7 principles of leadership power. Courage is one of the principles. People may think that power comes from confidence. That you first need to be confident before you can show up confidently with...