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Master your mindset, inspire your team, elevate your business.
We always give you something to think about and apply to become an even better leader
Ask the Leadership Coach: How do I lead my Startup without losing my cool?
On my website, there’s a place where you can share your most pressing leadership problems, and I love receiving these questions. I always respond to the sender, and now I’m excited to start sharing some of these Q&A’s with you. So here’s...
Unlock your leadership potential with the ABC of Leadership
Last week I came across a video clip where the motivational speaker was saying (shouting) things like - successful people don't sleep, sleep is for losers - and it troubled me. In our fast-paced world, hard work is undeniably essential for success....
Why Sleep is Your Secret Weapon for Success
Last week I came across a video clip where the motivational speaker was saying (shouting) things like - successful people don't sleep, sleep is for losers - and it troubled me. In our fast-paced world, hard work is undeniably essential for success....
Discover the Power of Noticing: How Mindful Meditation Can Shift Your Day
I have a love-hate relationship with meditation and mindfulness practices. On a rational level, I understand the benefits. On an emotional level, I know I feel good when I do this regularly, but on a practical level, I struggle to stick with it. I...
War Diaries: Day 366 – A Year Later, October 7, 2024
Today marks one year since the war began, forever altering life here in Israel. On 6 October 2023, I was training for a marathon, planning a trip to Amsterdam, and embracing the Jewish New Year with its festivities, holidays, family...
Got 3 minutes? Boost your resilience (even when it’s hard)
Quick question:What do a black dot, a dance party, and your resilience have in common?Intrigued?I created a short video that ties it all together, and I think you'll find it super helpful, especially with everything going on right now.In just 3...