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Master your mindset, inspire your team, elevate your business.
We always give you something to think about and apply to become an even better leader
You’re Invited To… Unsubscribe
I’ve spent the last couple of weeks furiously unsubscribing from every newsletter that has landed in my inbox. My peak email count was an average of 160 emails a day. My inbox was out of control. Going on a business trip for 3-4 days meant...
How to Revive a Habit? 7 Blogs in 7 Days
I decided to set myself a challenge: write 7 blog articles in 7 days. One per day. The reason for this challenge was to get myself going with writing again. Writing is something I love doing, I have ideas for blog pieces running around in my head...
It’s Complicated!
Last week I found myself chatting to my sister about a situation I’ve been dealing with, a complex one. Many times through our discussion, I caught myself saying, “It’s complicated.” After a while she responded, “It’s really not complicated, you’re...
The Apology
Today I heard something incredibly moving. It’s not something we hear often and it is probably something that we should hear a lot more. It was an apology. And it moved me to write this blog.A man, Fernando, called in to the radio this afternoon...
Women in Leadership – Speaking Out!
--> Being an executive coach and an actuary puts me in a unique position. As an actuary, I’m assumed to have a workable level of financial knowledge and as a coach, I’m assumed to be able to guide people to certain levels of understanding,...
A little voice from heaven… This one’s for you, Bruce!
My previous blog post – I am Done! seems to have resonated with many. I keep getting messages about how much people could relate to this post and how this particular article challenged them to think about what they are done with… Thanks for the...