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Master your mindset, inspire your team, elevate your business.
We always give you something to think about and apply to become an even better leader
Simple but not EASY
It seems that a theme for the week in terms of my client coaching interactions was the concept of 'this is simple but not easy' or in other words 'we know this stuff but it's really hard to do'. Often the things we need to work on within ourselves...
Do you believe in magic?
As kids we believed in magic. We didn’t question the world of fairy tales, tooth fairies and the charming prince that saved the distressed damsel to live in everlasting happiness and prosperity. We watched magic shows and marveled at how these...
Before I die, I want to…
Candy Chang’s TED talk on this topic is a powerful, inspirational must-see. Candy reflects on her experience of losing a loved one and how this allowed her to confront the idea of death without fear. She asked herself the question of what is it...
Authenticity – The Scarcest, Most Coveted Resource
“The scarcest, most coveted resources aren’t high-tech machines or highly developed cities, but unspoiled places, people, objects, animals and experiences” – Martha Beck. I’ve recently picked up Martha Beck’s book – Finding your way in a wild new...
Leadership is…
To define leadership is like trying to catch a butterfly. I run around the garden, net poised in hand on a beautiful spring day. I see a thing of beauty and elegance – the complexity of the pattern on the butterfly’s wings enchants me as I try to...
Core Values – The What & How?
Our values are so closely linked to our identity that we are often not aware that they are the drivers of our thinking and actions. Can you remember a time when you had an experience of everything flowing...