A great C-suite social media profile

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5 year(s) ago
1 min, 35 secs read

“Social media waits for no-one.”
― Aaron Lee

Executives are often more visible both in real life and in the online space, with both their personal and professional profiles often viewed (and scrutinized). As company leaders, executives should represent their company well across all platforms.

It begins with your profile. Make sure that it’s updated and that it reflects who you are as well as what you do.

So what does a great social media profile include?
Forbes asked their expert coaching panel, myself included, what should be included in C-suite social media profiles

My view is #13: A Connection To Your ‘Why’

Using social media is key to building your brand and benefits both you and your business. Start by asking yourself why you want to build a brand and then determine your key message. Tailor your sharing on social media to those messages.

Remember that people want to get to know you, not just your work.

For on this topic, read the full article here

Would you like some feedback on your social media profile?
If you’d like me to have a look and give you some feedback.

This article was first published on Forbes.com on 20 March 2020

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