There are leaders who like to remain at one company for a substantial period of time. They’re at their best when they’ve had an opportunity to grow with the company and get to know their team (and stakeholders) and are able to run a well-oiled machine. Others are...
Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft tells an interesting story of an interview question he botched up, early on in his career. He was asked: You’re at the crossroads, a baby falls and is crying, what will you do? He thinks… and then answers, “I’ll go find a...
The CEO’s leadership style is one of the biggest indicators of a company’s future success. With this in mind, how do you think you’re doing? Are you spending time identifying which traits that are serving you and your business and which may be holding you back?...
I often reflect on accountability and how it shows up (or doesn’t) in my coaching engagements. Not without some guilt I might add. Guilt because I know that when my clients decide on an action to take forward from a session, I don’t always follow-up. In...
I subscribe to Daniel Pink’s newsletter. He sends out newsletters so infrequently that he managed to escape my “unsubscribe” frenzy and besides, I happen to really like his work so that when his most recent newsletter entered my inbox I actually opened it and read it....
I decided to set myself a challenge: write 7 blog articles in 7 days. One per day. The reason for this challenge was to get myself going with writing again. Writing is something I love doing, I have ideas for blog pieces running around in my head every day and yet,...
Last week I found myself chatting to my sister about a situation I’ve been dealing with, a complex one. Many times through our discussion, I caught myself saying, “It’s complicated.” After a while she responded, “It’s really not complicated, you’re making it...
–> Being an executive coach and an actuary puts me in a unique position. As an actuary, I’m assumed to have a workable level of financial knowledge and as a coach, I’m assumed to be able to guide people to certain levels of understanding, knowledge and...
Have you noticed how time never seems equal in different situations? For example, when you’re in the flow of doing an activity that you truly love and are fully engaged in, an hour can pass by as if it was only a minute. Yet, when you’re sitting in a...