by Daphna Horowitz | Mar 20, 2013 | CEO, ExtraordinaryCEO, Leadership, Leadership Habits, Mentoring, Team |
I became intrigued when I heard the statement expressed by Jim Rohn, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” If we can look at the 5 people closest to us and say we are a reflection of this combined group, we need to ask ourselves, are...
by Daphna Horowitz | Feb 6, 2011 | ExtraordinaryCEO, Leadership, Leadership Habits, Mastery, Mentoring, Relationships, Team |
Our values are so closely linked to our identity that we are often not aware that they are the drivers of our thinking and actions. Can you remember a time when you had an experience of everything flowing smoothly, happening at the right time and leaving you feeling...
by Daphna Horowitz | Feb 3, 2011 | Communication, Extraordinary, ExtraordinaryCEO, Leadership |
Do you have goals that just seem too big to achieve and every time you start working on them, you give up before making any real progress? Try the 10% rule of thumb – instead of going for the massive goal, ask yourself what do I need to do to achieve 10% of it...