I’m excited to share the latest podcast episode, dropping today, with Julia Lessing. We’re both actuaries and both committed to helping actuaries (and other high-achieving experts) become extraordinary leaders by building a solid and effective management...
As a valued member of our community, you’re no stranger to the raw realities I’ve been chronicling in my war diaries over the past months — a firsthand account of navigating life and business in challenging times. So far, I’ve shared my personal...
I wanted to share with you our latest podcast episode. In conversation with Daniel Levitats, a seasoned professional with 16 years of experience in the high-tech world and the medical device and biotech space, we talked about leadership and life and two things we have...
Last week, we experienced an event that shook our entire nation. Three hostages managed to escape from their captors in Gaza. They ran out of a building with their hands up, white flag raised and shirts lifted. Tragically they were mistaken for terrorists and shot by...
Are you looking to navigate the challenges of pitching and getting investment in today’s economic climate? In today’s episode of Leadership Live Podcast, I had the opportunity to chat with Donna Griffith, corporate storyteller and author of the book...
Here’s something I’ve been thinking about… I’m curious and I’d love your feedback: Have you ever thought about working with a coach but hesitated for any particular reason(s)? I’d love to talk about that. What are the reasons you’re hesitating? And what would...
Last week I spoke about why it’s so hard to be a leader. I also gave you a quick assessment to see how you’re doing. If you want to read that article click here.This week I’m getting a bit more practical by looking at the areas you need to be...
Leadership is a hot topic in the business world. There are many resources – books, articles and workshops – that help us think more deeply about leadership and what good leadership should look like. And yet, when it comes to implementing these ideas,...
It’s been a few years of interacting with my team members through Zoom, email and WhatsApp and it was such a pleasure to finally meet two of them in person! As someone who manages a global and remote team, I know firsthand the benefits and challenges of remote...