Are you looking to navigate the challenges of pitching and getting investment in today’s economic climate? In today’s episode of Leadership Live Podcast, I had the opportunity to chat with Donna Griffith, corporate storyteller and author of the book...
Here’s something I’ve been thinking about… I’m curious and I’d love your feedback: Have you ever thought about working with a coach but hesitated for any particular reason(s)? I’d love to talk about that. What are the reasons you’re hesitating? And what would...
Last week I spoke about why it’s so hard to be a leader. I also gave you a quick assessment to see how you’re doing. If you want to read that article click here.This week I’m getting a bit more practical by looking at the areas you need to be...
Leadership is a hot topic in the business world. There are many resources – books, articles and workshops – that help us think more deeply about leadership and what good leadership should look like. And yet, when it comes to implementing these ideas,...
It’s been a few years of interacting with my team members through Zoom, email and WhatsApp and it was such a pleasure to finally meet two of them in person! As someone who manages a global and remote team, I know firsthand the benefits and challenges of remote...
Have you ever wished you could be a fly on the wall? Are you curious to listen in on some interesting conversations and get the whole scoop? Well, today is your chance… I’m excited about the Leadership Live podcast episode that’s dropping because it’s a live...
You know that voice in your head that speaks to you and often sows seeds of self-doubt? We all have it. Our unique inner critic that exclaims “idiot” (or something similar) when we make a mistake. The one that says, “You’re not good enough” when you’re already low on...
You can change your thinking to create better results. Is it possible to change our results just by changing our thinking? The short answer is yes! Here’s the long answer… (and there’s an even longer one which I’m happy to send you, see below):...
Leadership has always been one of the hottest topics in the business world. There are lots of books, articles, and seminars on leadership, and many people like to think of themselves as leaders. But what are the qualities that make a good leader? And what is a leader?...