Andre, a 48-year-old manager, head of operations of a large engineering and building company was referred to me for coaching to improve his interpersonal relationships at work. He was a good manager – delivery was on time, deadlines were met, projects handled well....
I’ve spent the last couple of weeks furiously unsubscribing from every newsletter that has landed in my inbox. My peak email count was an average of 160 emails a day. My inbox was out of control. Going on a business trip for 3-4 days meant that I came back to...
Today I heard something incredibly moving. It’s not something we hear often and it is probably something that we should hear a lot more. It was an apology. And it moved me to write this blog.A man, Fernando, called in to the radio this afternoon because he had done...
–> Being an executive coach and an actuary puts me in a unique position. As an actuary, I’m assumed to have a workable level of financial knowledge and as a coach, I’m assumed to be able to guide people to certain levels of understanding, knowledge and...
My previous blog post – I am Done! seems to have resonated with many. I keep getting messages about how much people could relate to this post and how this particular article challenged them to think about what they are done with… Thanks for the feedback guys, it means...
On a weekend retreat I attended recently we were asked to think about the question – who am I? and then to answer the question by completing the sentence – I am… in as many ways as we can think. The ‘obvious’ answers that came rolling off the tongue as I started the...
I became intrigued when I heard the statement expressed by Jim Rohn, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” If we can look at the 5 people closest to us and say we are a reflection of this combined group, we need to ask ourselves, are...
Our values are so closely linked to our identity that we are often not aware that they are the drivers of our thinking and actions. Can you remember a time when you had an experience of everything flowing smoothly, happening at the right time and leaving you feeling...
Do you have goals that just seem too big to achieve and every time you start working on them, you give up before making any real progress? Try the 10% rule of thumb – instead of going for the massive goal, ask yourself what do I need to do to achieve 10% of it...