One minute silence. The whole country stops what they’re doing. Wherever we are – at home, on the highway, walking in the street, sitting in a meeting – we all stop, stand up and become silent for a minute. Yesterday was Memorial Day in Israel. A day to remember all...
Do you want to deepen your connections and unlock new levels of authenticity in your life? Today, I’m releasing a special episode of Leadership Live to guide you on this transformative journey. We dive into the profound impact of authentic connections on your personal...
As a valued member of our community, you’re no stranger to the raw realities I’ve been chronicling in my war diaries over the past months — a firsthand account of navigating life and business in challenging times. So far, I’ve shared my personal...
This piece of writing is not mine. It expresses so beautifully what life is like in Israel at the moment and I wanted to share it further. Credit goes to Chana Wurtzel who wrote it. IF YOU LIVE HERE, YOU KNOW… If you live here, you know what it is to wake up...
Yesterday I was supposed to be in Amsterdam with my running group, running a half-marathon. We’ve been training for months and were totally psyched to go – 17 of us – and then war broke… Needless to say, none of us felt like we could go so we didn’t. Here’s what I did...
Challah is a special bread Jewish people eat on Shabbat. We make a special blessing when we bake it and also when we eat it. There is nothing like the smell of freshly baked challah permeating through the house as we prepare for our day of rest. This week is a little...
It’s been a few years of interacting with my team members through Zoom, email and WhatsApp and it was such a pleasure to finally meet two of them in person! As someone who manages a global and remote team, I know firsthand the benefits and challenges of remote...
When I say imposter syndrome, what comes up for you? What are your thoughts and feelings on this topic? Do you get a feeling of recognition in the pit of your stomach? Or perhaps it’s more curiosity – What does it mean? How does it show up? Imposter syndrome can...
Have you ever wished you could be a fly on the wall? Are you curious to listen in on some interesting conversations and get the whole scoop? Well, today is your chance… I’m excited about the Leadership Live podcast episode that’s dropping because it’s a live...