How do I write an article like this? I’ve been wanting to write about what’s happening in Israel for the last 3 days but every time I sit to write something, the words don’t come and the tears flow. How do I write about something that I can’t make any sense of? How do...
People lie. We lie to look good. We lie to feel good. We lie to help others feel good. We lie to get what we want. Some are little lies, some are lies of omission and slight distortion, while others are really big lies about important things. There’s a people-pleasing...
A heartwarming post caught my eye on LinkedIn yesterday. It’s a great reminder that we’re all human and I wanted to share it with you today. CEO, Dr. Jerry Gule, shared that while on a business trip, he took the opportunity (‘short left’ – I love...
A conversation with a dear client recently led us to the question – Which great leader we’d love to spend time with, in person, over dinner? What would we want to gain from this dinner – knowledge and insights? perspective? soaking up their way of thinking...
Take it easy… But take it! In my family, “take it easy” is something we often say to each other when we’re going through a tough time. The expression, while I’m sure is meant as a vote of support and care, leaves me feeling less than...
“I don’t need social media… I’m not interested, it’s a waste of time, it’s not for me, I’m not selling anything.” Take your pick as to which answer you’ve heard before. I find that this conversation comes up repeatedly (maybe I’m giving away my age here)....
Andre, a 48-year-old manager, head of operations of a large engineering and building company was referred to me for coaching to improve his interpersonal relationships at work. He was a good manager – delivery was on time, deadlines were met, projects handled well....
As kids we believed in magic. We didn’t question the world of fairy tales, tooth fairies and the charming prince that saved the distressed damsel to live in everlasting happiness and prosperity. We watched magic shows and marveled at how these things could possibly...
Candy Chang’s TED talk on this topic is a powerful, inspirational must-see. Candy reflects on her experience of losing a loved one and how this allowed her to confront the idea of death without fear. She asked herself the question of what is it that she wants to do...