Leaders - when you smile, your team smiles with you!

Home - Leadership - Leaders - when you smile, your team smiles with you!
4 year(s) ago
1 min, 33 secs read

Sometimes all it takes is a memory of something that made you smile to feel that warm, fuzzy feeling and it makes you want to smile again.

In fact, when you call up a memory, what happens in your brain is a reenactment of the exact same experience so that your body, mind, and soul experience the same sense of joy, pleasure, and love.

If this question makes you pause and think, do just that. It’s often the small things that go unnoticed that need to be reflected on for a moment so that we remember them and that they actually caused us to smile.

So click here and let me know, what made you smile today?

For me, it was a meme my daughter sent me about hugs. It brought a smile to my face and thinking about it now, I’m smiling again.

And for this week’s podcast episode, you get to meet Gideon Galloway, CEO of King Price Insurance, who loves to smile and help others smile too!

He is driven by purpose, pushes boundaries, and still remains the regular guy next door who enjoys a couple of beers. He’s fun, passionate, inspiring to talk to, also known as the king. The org culture at King Price Insurance makes me want to work there too!

Tune in to this week’s live coaching session of Leadership Live Podcast Episode 46 –with Gideon Galloway, a leader who combines a high-performance culture with being truly happy and authentic. You’re in for a treat

Are you curious about our newest program –CEO Habits Bootcamp?

Habits to make you smile more and more often, check it out here.

If you’re looking for a leadership mentor that will help you grow your leadership mindset and achieve your business goals, get in touch with us for one-on-one leadership coaching & mentoring.