What are you saying NO to?

Home - Leadership - What are you saying NO to?
3 year(s) ago
2 mins, 25 secs read

It’s the last day of November so I can still get this thought in (which I heard from my own coach last week).

The idea is this –
Let’s think of November as the month to clean up, focus our thinking, streamline our activities and take a look at what we need to say “no” to.

Why November, you ask?
Well… because it’s NO-vember.

Also because we’re nearing the end of the year, with targets to meet, a holiday period to get to, and it feels good to take a break with a clear mind and a clean slate.

So let’s use this last day to notice the things we’re doing for the sake of “busy” work that is not moving us forward – towards our goals and say “no”

Here are some of my no’s:
I say no to artificial goals and vanity metrics
I say no to inauthentic friendships
I say no to checking my emails (and social media) as I wake up
I say no to losing sleep for the sake of another Netflix episode

What activities could you just let go of right now, because they’re not going to give you the results you need? Or maybe they’ll keep you from focusing on the most important things to end the year on a high note.

So what do you need to say “no” to?

Click here – I’d love to know.

Say “no” to help you clear your mind and your focus and keep only the things that are relevant and important right now.

You can sort out your activities into the 4 D’s:

  1. What do I need to DUMP?
  2. What can I DELEGATE?
  3. What to DEFER because it’s not going to help you meet this year’s goals?
  4. What do I need to DO and put my full focus and attention on?

Take a look at all your projects, your tasks, your meetings and sort them out this way. Anything in categories 1, 2, and 3 get a “no” – some, for now (defer these), others for always (by delegating or dumping).
Then put your full focus on category 4 – those you do need to do – and go get ‘em.

This exercise will free your mind and liberate your soul so you can take a break with a clear conscience!

Here’s a perfect stocking filler for the festive season to build self-awareness and leadership skills. How about a book to improve your Weekly Leadership Habits and boost your Courage to Lead. (Click the links to go straight to Amazon for purchase)

And if you’re ready to focus on the things that will get you to your goals and dump the rest, and maybe need help to figure out what’s what, check out the CEO Bootcamp here!

For more on the topic of decision making, listen to Leadership Live Podcast Episode 8:
4 Tips for Better Decision Making in Times of Change and Uncertainty