Company culture – how to build something that lasts?

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5 year(s) ago
2 mins, 50 secs read
Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft tells an interesting story of an interview question he botched up, early on in his career. He was asked:

You’re at the crossroads, a baby falls and is crying, what will you do?

He thinks… and then answers, “I’ll go find a phone booth and call 911.”

This was a long time ago, way before the arrival of mobile phones. The feedback he received? He can have the job but he needs to develop some empathy because when a baby falls, you pick them up and hug them first before you place the call.

Seems obvious, right?

The best thing about this story is the journey he’s gone through from that point until today.

When Satya Nadella became CEO of Microsoft, he understood that the most important aspect that needed attention was the company culture. He put culture first on his project list as CEO. If he was going to succeed in leading Microsoft, it was apparent to him that the culture needed to change.

In his words, “Anything is possible for a company when its culture is about listening, learning, and harnessing individual passions and talents to the company’s mission. Creating that kind of culture is my chief job as CEO.”

Alignment between a company’s purpose, mission and the individual employee’s passions and talents is key to creating a culture that is a joy to work in. This is directly reflected in results.

Culture is everyone’s responsibility and culture gets created whether we pay attention to it or not. Individually, we can contribute to it or detract from it. But when a strong culture is intentionally designed, led and reinforced by the leaders of an organisation, it makes all the difference.  

This means making some tough decisions about what will and won’t be tolerated. Who will remain and who gets flushed out.

When intangibles such as values and behaviours get measured with as much emphasis as performance and results, a strong message is delivered about the importance of culture.

THREE areas of responsibility: 

  1. Strong leadership in business determines, their commitment. Whether a culture is going to take or whether it will just be a bunch of words that we say about our culture.
  2. Leadership in a business is responsible for creating a safe space of trust, listening and empathy.
  3. The leadership of a business is responsible for holding everyone (including themselves) accountable for living the culture.

A strong, vibrant, purpose-driven and people-focused culture create clarity and energy that propels results and does good.

So… I’d love to know your thoughts on company culture. How do you experience your company culture? How do you specifically contribute to it?

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