Ed Sheeran & Leadership

Home - Leadership - Ed Sheeran & Leadership
6 year(s) ago
1 min, 59 secs read

I’m inspired…

I’ve just returned from a Mom-Daughter trip to Lyon, France, where we saw Ed Sheeran in concert.

The concert went way beyond a show… It turned into an experience. I felt like I had gone through a journey from watching a show to becoming a part of it and here’s what happened.

Ed created a seamless flow between 3 things:

1. Passion – his enthusiasm and love for music is contagious. It’s almost impossible to remain unmoved by his music – with crescendos that blow you away and pull you right in.

2. Purpose – by contributing a portion of his earnings to a cause (Doctors without Borders), he’s doing well and doing good – a value that I cherish.

3. Peak Performance – it was clear that he gave everything of himself on that stage, 150% and more. All the while making sure to bring us, his audience, right along with him. He swept us into his music until we felt one with the beat and did not let up. He stood alone on stage and made us part of his team so that we co-created the experience.

This was a display of leadership – extraordinary, raw and real – a show of passion, purpose and peak performance.

If we can learn from this, it would be to take what we do and apply that same level of passion, purpose and peak performance, so that we come out winners at the game of leadership and life.

Footnote: Ed Sheeran is winning for sure. This world tour is predicted to make him a billionaire before he’s 30.
To use John Lenon’s words…
Everything will be ok in the end, and if its not ok then its not the end.

If you’d like an opportunity to find your passion, purpose and peak performance sweet spot,  get in touch with me