Ending, beginning, ending, beginning…

Home - Leadership - Ending, beginning, ending, beginning…
5 year(s) ago
1 min, 37 secs read

“Since when,” he asked, “Are the first line and last line of any poem where the poem begins and ends?” – Seamus Heaney


There are many points in the year where we experience something closing with a new possibility emerging. 

Some days are specific such as birthdays and anniversaries which are linked to recurring annual dates. And then there are events that mark those times such as the beginning of a new job, a promotion, birth of a child, moving to a new country, taking on a sporting challenge and many more where we can see our life as being changed as a result of that experience.

So how about you take a few moments and reflect on how many endings and beginnings you’ve had over last year… 

What completed for you? 

 How did those feel? Energy up or energy down?

What opened up?

Actually, we can pick any point in time to end and begin stuff. And through the year we experience many endings and beginnings. So let’s use this week, the first week of the year to notice ALL the endings and beginnings and, of course, to celebrate each and every one of them.

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