Halfway through the year - It’s time to ignite positive habits

Home - Leadership - Halfway through the year - It’s time to ignite positive habits
2 year(s) ago
2 mins, 6 secs read

As we zoom through the second week of July, we’re officially past the halfway point of the year.

I’ve found this is a great time to reflect on how the year has gone, and how I want the rest of my year to look.

  1. How am I tracking on my goals, personally and professionally?
  2. What have I let slip?
  3. Has my work brought me closer to my dreams and my purpose?
  4. What’s standing in my way of achieving my goals?
  5. What could I be doing differently?

I also like to do an energy temperature check. Why don’t you try it too?

On a scale of 1-10,

  • How energised are you feeling right now?
  • How much joy, love and gratitude are you feeling right now?
  • How inspired are you feeling?

One theme that ties all of these questions together is habits.

Remember those new year’s resolutions from six months ago?

(Don’t worry, most people don’t!)

The thing about habits is they are hardwired and automatic, so they can be incredibly hard to change. But our habits make up about 40% of our daily lives, so if you really want to focus on improving yourself, your business and your leadership, it will help to focus on improving your existing habits or creating new habits that make your life easier.

There are many different ways to cultivate good habits.

And with many different methods, it can get a bit confusing, overwhelming and ultimately, keep us stuck in our old ways.

Regardless of which method you choose, the most important part will always be to

  • keep it simple
  • put it into practice and
  • track it!

So today, as we’re about halfway through the year, I thought it would be a good time to share my Weekly Habit Tracker.

This tracker isn’t about the science of habits or the best habit-building theories to apply; it’s all about practice.

It’s a simple, easy-to-use tool where you just choose the habits you want to build, and you track them everyday.

No crazy theory, no wild tricks. Just simple action, and consistent tracking.

Check it out – it’s simple and so easy to keep track. My clients love it!

If you feel ready to bring positive change to yourself and your leadership, download the Weekly Habit Tracker today and join me in making the second half of the year even better than the first!

I look forward to hearing what habits you decide to work with… so let me know in the DM’s