It's a Leadership Habits Challenge - Are you ready?

Home - Leadership - It's a Leadership Habits Challenge - Are you ready?
3 year(s) ago
3 mins, 36 secs read

It takes work to be a world-class leader, running a successful business with a top-performing team and culture.

There are many details to keep in mind that go beyond the day-to-day operations of a business.

You probably have a big vision and big plans for your business. But day-to-day your energy and focus are usurped by what needs to happen to keep your business running, manage people and sort out crises.

This is where stepping back for a few minutes a day and focusing on your leadership habits can help you become the leader you want to be so that your team and business operate the way you’d like them to.

You want to ask yourself the question – what leadership habit could help me step out of the day-to-day and keep myself focused on the bigger vision?

Why is this habit important to me?

So… I decided to do a thing and I’m inviting you to join me…

It’s a Leadership Habits Challenge!

I put together this challenge to help you pick, create and sustain ONE leadership habit to uplevel your leadership and learn some stuff about leadership habits while you’re at it.

What do you say? Does that sound interesting?

There’s a common wisdom that says it takes 21 days to hardwire a new habit. More recent research put it at anything between 18 and 254 days. No matter how long it takes to hardwire, the hardest part is the beginning when we’re just getting started and need to be consistent to gain momentum.

So I thought we could do that beginning part together. For the first 7 days, I’ll share leadership habits and lessons that will help you stick to the course. Then you’ll have gained momentum to continue on.

You pick your habit and together we’ll make it stick!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Sign up here
  2. Invite your friends and colleagues to join (just forward them this email). It’s always better together! (and there is a special gift for the person who invites the most people to join so let me know your numbers!)
  3. You’ll receive a daily email with encouragement to stick to your habit and tips on how to keep it going.
  4. After 7 days we’ll have a call to check how it went and what you can do to stick to it.

In the meantime, you can start thinking about the habits you want to practice to uplevel your leadership. I’ll help you pick a good one as part of the challenge, but have a look at some examples below to get inspired.

AND feel free to join our pop-up Facebook group where we’ll share how our habits are going and I’ll share inspirational messages too. You don’t have to be my FB friend to join the group.

The habit you pick can be in any area of your life – physical health, emotional courage, people & relationships, mental stimulation, spiritual connection, or increasing your sense of lightness and fun.

Here are some fun ideas:

  • Drink 2 liters of water a day (at least),
  • Daily exercise
  • 7 hours of sleep a night (at least) – pick a regular bedtime
  • Make your bed every day – there’s a theory linking this to motivation
  • Eliminate sugar
  • Zero coffee
  • Stop smoking
  • Communicate clearly
  • Listen more
  • Ask a question before you give the answer
  • Read for 5 minutes each day to enhance your professional knowledge
  • 10 minute reading on some new topic you’re interested in that has nothing to do with work
  • Write 10 minutes a day to create your book
  • Send a daily thank you message to someone
  • Give words of encouragement to someone
  • Write down 5 things you’re grateful for
  • Do something just for fun every day
  • Meditation, mindfulness

Once you make it a habit, it doesn’t take that much time or effort!

It can really be anything you want to do that you know will improve your leadership, if you stick with it for 7 days (and more, of course).

And I’m joining you on this challenge so if you want to know what habit I’m choosing,

CLICK HERE and join us on this journey. It’s going to be fun.

If you’re curious and want to try something different, let’s play!

Are you in? Sign up here

What are your ideas for habits you’d like to implement?