Daily Leadership Inspiration - Kindness

Home - Leadership - Daily Leadership Inspiration - Kindness
2 year(s) ago
1 min, 21 secs read

There’s a story I love about a man who wanted to know the difference between heaven and hell.  He was shown two versions of a banquet, one in heaven and one in hell.

In hell, he saw people sitting at a big, round table with a large pot of delicious, steaming soup placed right in the centre of the table.

Each person has a spoon to feed themselves but can’t because the spoon handles are too long.

They are starving, angry and suffering. In heaven, people are sitting at a similar banquet, happy and thriving. Same setup and same long spoons.

What’s the difference?

In heaven, they are feeding each other.  (This story is attributed to Rabbi Haim of Romshishok)

In the exact same setting, one group perishes while the other thrives, all because of how they treat each other.

By being kind to each other, we benefit ourselves as well.

This parable makes me think of social media – trolls and supporters.

Here we have one platform that some are using for good while others hide behind a screen and bully people.

Let’s just be kinder to each other.

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