Daily Leadership Inspiration - Be Real

Home - Leadership - Daily Leadership Inspiration - Be Real
2 year(s) ago
1 min, 3 secs read

People lie.

We lie to look good. We lie to feel good. We lie to help others feel good. We lie to get what we want.

Some are little lies, some are lies of omission and slight distortion, while others are really big lies about important things.

There’s a people-pleasing part in me that challenged by this. I’m working on always being real with kindness, care and compassion.

When I tell a lie – no matter how small, I catch myself and make amends, even when it may have allowed an awkward moment to pass uneventfully (and with a sigh of relief).

It’s important to me to be honest and real, even when it isn’t easy.

I appreciate others being honest and real with me too, even when it isn’t easy.

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