Leaders: Put Your Own Oxygen Mask On First

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5 year(s) ago
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No one really knows how to navigate their way through these times of change and challenge. As a leader, you’re faced with people looking to you for answers. A question that’s coming up often in my client coaching conversations and is top of mind for leaders is: How do I lead through this fast-paced, uncertain time of global crisis?

With the current workday being far from familiar, everyone is facing challenges. Not getting ready to go to the office each day feels strange for many. Working remotely doesn’t work for everyone. With children staying home from school, parents face the task of having to juggle kids and work in the same space, the new “office.” In addition, these challenges are accompanied by feelings of overwhelm, stress and lack of support. Coming to terms with the threat to our safety isn’t simple. We’re all doing our best to navigate this new normal.

This poses a challenge for leaders too. As a leader, it is your job to keep people motivated because, ultimately, work needs to continue. Now, more than ever, it’s important to support your team, both personally and professionally.

Put yourself first.

In order to support your team and be there for everyone around you, you need to start with yourself.

Think of it this way: When you board a flight, just before take-off, the flight attendant begins their ritual in explaining the wheres, whats and what ifs. What’s the one thing that’s always on all the pamphlets and in every speech when it comes to emergency protocols? “Should an emergency situation occur, you need to put your own oxygen mask on first, before attempting to help those around you.” 

Using this analogy, you might instinctively think this is selfish, counter-intuitive even. But that’s far from the truth. Let’s explore why.

To continue reading click here for tips on how to put yourself first.

This article was first published on Forbes.com on 9 June 2020

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