Keeping in touch with your team

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As your company grows, it becomes even more important (and more challenging) to keep the culture going and relationships between managers and their teams strong. In these difficult times, it becomes a key area of focus for leaders. Though one-on-one meetings with each employee may no longer seem feasible.

It’s still important for managers to stay in touch with their team members.

If you’re a manager of a rapidly growing company who wants to stay close with their team, read on for some tips from the members of Forbes Coaches Council.

1. Institutionalize Relationship-Building And Communication

Effective relationships and transparent communication are key tools in a leader’s toolbox. The best way for leaders in rapidly growing companies to maintain strong relationships is to institutionalize the process. If one-on-one meetings are not feasible, explore frequent and focused team-wide video meetings and actively use chat platforms like Slack. Consistency in communication is key. – Shefali Raina, Alpha Lane Partners

2. Use A Collaboration Tool Like Slack

The app called Slack is what is known as a “collaboration hub” and, if handled right, it works. You must not overuse them to sort of track your employees and abuse their downtime because you have access to them electronically. Ensure these very helpful tools know their limits. Pick up Slack or a similar tool, but know when to cut the slack and allow people to think outside of collaboration times. – John M. O’Connor, Career Pro Inc.

3. Turn Connection Into A Strategic Activity

Leaders should prioritize connection just as one would prioritize any other strategic business task because building and growing relationships is a strategic activity. Block out “open door” time each week. Make a concerted effort to take a few seconds to connect if you happen to cross paths. Above all, be fully present. Put down the phone, close the computer, make eye contact and actively listen. – Morgan Massie, Avion Consulting

4. Actively Listen To Your Employees

Listen to them. When they have something to say, be present in the moment and truly listen. It’s a powerful gesture and requires little effort. With a rapidly growing and evolving environment, it’s important to take the time to build trust with employees who may feel untethered in changing times. The more managers focus on building trust and maintaining mutual respect, the better. – Christina Holloway, Christina Holloway

5. Maintain One-On-Ones For All Direct Reports

No matter what size, growth or industry, every manager should be required to have one-on-one meetings with their direct reports. These should be nonnegotiable and required by senior management. They may need to be 30 minutes every other week at the outset, but never less than that for direct reports. No excuses for remote or contracted employees. Show up for them and they will show up for you! – Dana Manciagli, Job Search Master Class

6. Organize Off-Site Experiences For Your Teams

Departmental or company-wide retreats and masterminds are a great way to deepen relationships and create a strong business culture. For example, a simple and affordable way is to hire an improv coach. In a few minutes, everyone will be laughing and playing. Follow that with a mastermind to solve company challenges and celebrate the genius of your team. Give away funny awards. – Mike Koenigs,

7. Walk The Floor

When the demands of a rapidly growing company add to the distance between the manager and team members, it is essential to keep the trust. By “walking the floor,” you can stay visible and accessible. If it is always physically possible, schedule time to stay connected with each team member through face-to-face or virtual connections at least once every week, always encouraging openness of conversation. – Krishna Kumar, Intrad School of Executive Coaching

8. Prioritize Awareness, Personal Interest And Kindness

Awareness of relationships in organizations is a key differentiator for the culture of successful companies. Good relationships are the core of trust. Build a culture in which that awareness, personal interest and kindness are present in all minds, not only in the minds of managers. So, be a role model, repeat the need for interest in others and hire or promote people who have those traits. – Katharina Schmidt, Inspiration & Discipline

9. Celebrate Wins Together

As companies grow, all managers and teams are pressed for time and meetings aren’t the best answer for staying close. Touch base at least weekly with a quick group meeting or video calls, and be sure communications include not only essential conversations for action but also gratitude and a focus on company and team vision and accomplishments. Celebrate milestones in small ways, onsite and off. – Christine Rose, Christine Rose Coaching & Consulting

10. Implement An Immediate Feedback Mechanism

What’s essential to ensure leaders have their finger on the pulse and that teams feel engaged and aligned is ensuring there’s an immediate feedback mechanism, even if it’s an online form. Team members must feel entirely comfortable raising challenges, issues or requests for support, and these must be addressed quickly to build trust. They should be reviewed as part of the weekly operating rhythm. – Shadé Zahrai, Influenceo Global Inc.

11. Hold Reverse Mentoring Sessions

While one-on-ones are always preferred, leaders can use small-group reverse mentoring sessions to stay in touch with their teams in a meaningful way. Reverse mentoring is when the staff provides insight on how they can be even more effective in their role. The leader will walk away with what’s most top of mind for their staff and a renewed view of how to pivot priorities to best suit the team. – Karan Rhodes, Shockingly Different Leadership

12. Connect Through Your Social Media

It is true that change has accelerated and can outpace your available time. Learn to engage your team using short, heartfelt weekly blogs about the accomplishments or challenges they have faced, and engage on social media highlighting individuals and recognizing your team’s efforts. Share your expectations and values, making the purpose and meaning behind what you do visible via these posts. – Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD., EI Leadership

13. Focus On People, Not Work

If your team is too big for one-on-one meetings, my first piece of advice is to shrink your teams. Next, extend your cadence—move one per week to two per month. You can also have team check-ins that don’t focus on work but focus on the people. There are always ways to make it happen, it just takes work. Slowing down in the moment to figure it out will allow you to move faster in the long run. – Brad Elson, Palmer OSG

14. Schedule 15 Minutes A Week With Each Team Member

One-on-one meetings are key to maintaining relationships and keeping on top of what’s going on with your team. Schedule a 15-minute slot once a week to connect with each team member. This can be done virtually with cameras or without. Your one-on-ones are going to show your team that you care enough to maintain a connection beyond just wanting to see outputs. With cameras on is my recommendation. – Daphna Horowitz, Daphna Horowitz Leadership

15. Reinforce Interpersonal Relationships

By building a strong interpersonal network within a company, you are establishing powerful employee engagement, which eventually leads to an increased profit. After all, a happy and satisfied employee becomes an effective and productive employee. Therefore, it’s crucial for managers to make the time for their team and still treat them in an equal, personal and human way. – Jill Douka Mba, Pcc, Global Academy Of Coaching

How do you make sure to keep your culture and relationships strong, in challenging times?

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This article was first published on on 2 March 2020