My 3 happy things

Home - Leadership - My 3 happy things
5 year(s) ago
1 min, 50 secs read
Let’s become conscious of the simple things in life that make us happy.

This is a decision I’ve recently taken on for myself. Over the last week, I wake up every morning and do a 15-minute meditation that includes thinking about 3 things in my life I’m grateful for or 3 memories that make me happy.

I don’t just conjure up 3 things in my mind and then move on. I spend a minute or so taking myself back to each of the 3 happy memories (going back as far as I want  – to whichever memory comes up at that moment. It can be a memory from the previous day or the previous year, something big or small and I re-experience it in my imagination. 

Sometimes a smile appears on my lips as I cast my mind back. Sometimes I feel a tingling of energy as I remember the moment and sometimes I just enjoy the memory.

How would it be for you to think back to one moment that made you happy and relive it in your mind’s eye?

Give it a try, right now as you sit here reading this… Close your eyes, conjure up a happy memory and put yourself right there. Relive it.

Feels good, right?

How about doing this every day? As you wake up in the morning, take 3 minutes for 3 memories (or just start with one).

Are you in? 

Share your thoughts in the comments – what is your happy memory?

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