The Leader you want to be

Home - Leadership - The Leader you want to be
5 year(s) ago
1 min, 42 secs read

We talk a lot about goals, vision, strategy and action plans and those are certainly important. But what if we pause for a moment from all that doing and ask ourselves, “Who is the leader I want to be?”

Create a picture of your best version as a leader?
What does it look like?

Now, let’s add another dimension to this picture. Let’s bring in some emotions. Think about this…

What are the feelings you want to wake up with every day that would make you enjoy life and live it to the full?

When we create a vision of who we would like to be, we create neural pathways in our brain that increase motivation and positivity.

And we’re giving our brains an instruction to create that future for us.

In other words, it makes us feel great!
This is a different kind of goal or vision. It’s your vision of yourself.
We often focus on the stuff we need to do and achieve.

Let’s not forget about who we want to become in the process.

Think of 3 leaders you admire and choose one quality that stands out in each of them?

If you see those qualities in them, it means that there is a seed of those qualities in you. Do you recognise that? Let us know

If you’re looking for a leadership mentor that will help you grow your leadership mindset and achieve your business goals, get in touch with us for one-on-one leadership coaching & mentoring.