Some things are too urgent to be rushed

Home - Leadership - Some things are too urgent to be rushed
5 year(s) ago
1 min, 30 secs read
A while ago, I watched an interview with Peter Senge and right at the end, he said something that really made me pause

For him, it may have been a bit of a throwaway line right at the end but for me, it was a highlight of the interview.

Things are way too urgent to be rushed.

The most important things in our life are urgent AND that is precisely why we need to take our time with them. 

We can only figure out what’s important if we slow down to take a look at what we’re doing, what’s our real impact and where do we want to focus our attention and energy? 

Those are the really important things and those are more urgent than much of the stuff we’re busy with and that can’t be rushed.

I’m going to take some time to ponder this…

Let’s stop the hustle for a moment and just think about that…

What are your thoughts on this matter are things way to urgent to be rushed, let me know.

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