Three things about leadership - Be a Boss

Home - Leadership - Three things about leadership - Be a Boss
4 year(s) ago
1 min, 39 secs read

Three things I know about leadership are:

1. Leadership is a verb – it’s about what you do and how you take action. You can learn how to be a great leader by being more of yourself and now, more than ever, it’s the time for strong, decisive and sometimes difficult action.

2. Leadership is habit – leadership skills can be learnt. The trick is to apply them consistently until being a leader is as natural as brushing your teeth. Yes, sometimes it’s challenging but when you develop your leadership mindset, you take action and make decisions with confidence.

3. Leadership is for everyone – You don’t need to wait for someone to give you authority or to ask you to step up. Have a look at the environment you’re in and ask yourself, how can I show up as a leader?


I love the saying,  “If you want to succeed, it’s better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.”

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And listen to Episode 8 Better Decision Making in Times of Change and Uncertainty where I share 4 tips for better decision making – they’re really good!
Click here to listen


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