
Home - Leadership - Why?
4 year(s) ago
1 min, 23 secs read

Today, I have just one question for you.

Why do you do what you do? Why are you excited to get out of bed every day to do your thing in the world?

And if you’re thinking – who says I’m excited? – then here’s your question:

What would make you excited to get out of bed every day and do your thing in the world? 

When I was doing my coach training, I was taught that asking questions that begin with “Why” is a big NO-NO. 

I was told it makes people defensive and that it makes people try to come up with a lot of excuses rather than the real answer to the question we’re asking. 

I was told to change the wording, make it a bit softer, less confrontational. But that’s not who I am.

I take the view that asking why allows you to go deeper. Asking why creates curiosity. Asking why often makes us think.

And I’m not one to shy away from confrontations anyway…

So let me know your answer to my why question above.

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