

Right now is the peak time for the Perseid meteor showers in the Northern Hemisphere.   It’s spectacular to watch shooting stars across the night sky. So we decided to go on a road trip. My husband and I, equipped with mattresses, coffee and blankets, found a remote...
Me & Michelle Obama

Me & Michelle Obama

“Always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals.” Michelle Obama   Michelle Obama launched a podcast the week before I launched mine. So that must be a good sign! And, there’s more I’d like to...
Critical Mistakes to Avoid

Critical Mistakes to Avoid

“If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell 6 friends. If you make customers unhappy on the Internet, they can each tell 6,000 friends.”― Jeff Bezos There are countless ways to promote yourself or your business online. However, you can’t...
A great C-suite social media profile

A great C-suite social media profile

“Social media waits for no-one.”― Aaron Lee Executives are often more visible both in real life and in the online space, with both their personal and professional profiles often viewed (and scrutinized). As company leaders, executives should represent their company...
Strange times indeed

Strange times indeed

I think we’re all feeling the strangeness of our times and I can see that this generates different responses for different people. I’ve been reflecting on the last 4 months since lockdowns, restrictions, masks and social distancing became our way of life and I...
Surprise and delight

Surprise and delight

We know what it’s like to experience great service. For me, it determines whether I’ll come back for more. It can make or break a business, especially if you’ve had a hard time gaining and retaining customers. Poor or unresponsive service can turn away even the...
Keeping in touch with your team

Keeping in touch with your team

As your company grows, it becomes even more important (and more challenging) to keep the culture going and relationships between managers and their teams strong. In these difficult times, it becomes a key area of focus for leaders. Though one-on-one meetings with each...