In crisis we find ourselves often moving between two extreme states – either super-busy, panic-doing or mental and emotional exhaustion, flatlining. You need to ask yourself: “What do I need right now?” and then see how you can give yourself this specific...
Communication is one of the most important things to think about while you’re steering your business through a crisis. Silence makes people nervous and uncertain. And as a leader, you don’t want your people scared. Lead with confidence, keep communication channels...
Welcome to the first episode of Leadership Live podcast with Daphna Horowitz. The instructions are clear – put your own oxygen mask on first before you take care of those around you. Is it selfish? No. In order to be your best and help others, you need to take...
I often reflect on accountability and how it shows up (or doesn’t) in my coaching engagements. Not without some guilt I might add. Guilt because I know that when my clients decide on an action to take forward from a session, I don’t always follow-up. In...
I subscribe to Daniel Pink’s newsletter. He sends out newsletters so infrequently that he managed to escape my “unsubscribe” frenzy and besides, I happen to really like his work so that when his most recent newsletter entered my inbox I actually opened it and read it....
I decided to set myself a challenge: write 7 blog articles in 7 days. One per day. The reason for this challenge was to get myself going with writing again. Writing is something I love doing, I have ideas for blog pieces running around in my head every day and yet,...
Last week I found myself chatting to my sister about a situation I’ve been dealing with, a complex one. Many times through our discussion, I caught myself saying, “It’s complicated.” After a while she responded, “It’s really not complicated, you’re making it...
Have you noticed how time never seems equal in different situations? For example, when you’re in the flow of doing an activity that you truly love and are fully engaged in, an hour can pass by as if it was only a minute. Yet, when you’re sitting in a...
I became intrigued when I heard the statement expressed by Jim Rohn, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” If we can look at the 5 people closest to us and say we are a reflection of this combined group, we need to ask ourselves, are...