As we approach the new year and even a couple of weeks into it, we tend to have the desire to plan, start fresh, and set goals. The truth is that we can set goals anytime we want. There’s really nothing that says we have to wait for 1 January to do that and yet, the...
Here’s a bonus leadership inspiration for today – 50+1! because my list isn’t complete without saying something about gratitude. Being in a daily state of gratitude has been shown to lift our mood, help us manage our challenges and hold an optimistic...
You know that voice in your head that speaks to you and often sows seeds of self-doubt? We all have it. Our unique inner critic that exclaims “idiot” (or something similar) when we make a mistake. The one that says, “You’re not good enough” when you’re already low on...
You can change your thinking to create better results. Is it possible to change our results just by changing our thinking? The short answer is yes! Here’s the long answer… (and there’s an even longer one which I’m happy to send you, see below):...
There’s a story I love about a man who wanted to know the difference between heaven and hell. He was shown two versions of a banquet, one in heaven and one in hell. In hell, he saw people sitting at a big, round table with a large pot of delicious, steaming soup...
Data privacy, love and loss -You may ask, what have these 3 things got to do with each other? They’re 3 elements that bring together Dan Frechtling’s powerful story. When his wife was ill with stage 4 cancer, the statistics said she’d live for 4 months (she actually...
Here’s a question that comes up from time to time: What do I do if my employee starts crying? The person who cries also finds it difficult to manage their response and they often ask, “how can I express difficult emotions without getting tearful?”...
Fact: Every time you shuffle a deck of cards, chances are that you’ve put them in an order that has not yet been seen in the history of the universe. That’s because the number of ways (or combinations) a deck of cards can be shuffled is:...
We know that the working world faced one of the biggest shocks in 2020 when the pandemic hit and companies were forced to go remote overnight. All of a sudden, resources needed to be found to set up employees at home and quickly. Employees needed to juggle their...