3 Leadership Habits to Increase your Impact

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3 year(s) ago
2 mins, 36 secs read

When I reflected on the strides my clients made last year relating to their leadership approach, impact, and business results, I noticed 3 key themes that directly impacted their business results.

1. Clarity

When you have clarity, you can focus your communication, get everyone aligned towards your goals, and see your business come to life with engaged employees.

As my client, David, found, when he got clear on the value of his business offering and what made their offer stand out compared to competitors, he managed to re-negotiate fees with key clients, beyond the contractual requirements and way more than he expected they’d agree to.

2. Increased self-awareness 

Becoming aware of your zone of genius, BS (blind-spots), and how that impacts your people and culture, means you make decisions that are empowering and help your business run like a well-oiled machine.

My client, Harry, discovered that as a founder of the business, he was way more suited for a different role than CEO and made the decision to step down and hire externally. The chosen candidate is looking really promising while Harry is focusing on the stuff he really wants to do in the business and reaping the rewards of being able to stand back and guide.

3. Decision making

I always say, the role of a leader centers around decisions. Almost everything that passes your desk needs a decision. The trick is to know what requires you to decide and which decisions you can (and should) delegate. Letting things pile up means you land up being the bottleneck in your business because it takes too long for you to get around to making all the decisions.

And there are those tough decisions that are just so hard to make because you don’t have all the information.

In both cases, moving past the blockage and making a decision is key!

As my client, Martine, discovered when she began delegating all the smaller decisions that filled her day and took her away from some tough decisions that were needed to focus the business. Once she stepped fully into her role as leader, she empowered her team to make more decisions which allowed her to focus the business in the right direction, instead of wasting time (and being the bottleneck) on decision-making that could be delegated.

Think for a moment about where you’re at in your leadership journey.

  1. Would having skills in these 3 areas help you?
  2. Would they help to create more direction, increase the speed of execution and momentum?
  3. Is there a category you’re finding challenging that I didn’t cover here?

With each of these areas, you can build the skills you need to turn it into a habit so that you’re communicating with clarity and accuracy, leading with self-awareness and purpose, and making decisions with confidence.

Want to know more?

We’re about to kick off a FREE Leadership Habits Challenge where you get to pick a habit you want to implement and grow and I’ll help you stick to it for 7 days!

Join us! It will be fun! Click here 

What was a key game-changer for your leadership skills and habits last year?