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Master your mindset, inspire your team, elevate your business.
We always give you something to think about and apply to become an even better leader
EP 6 – Staying Motivated in Crisis
What kills our motivation? How can we increase motivation in stressful times? In this episode, we look at both sides of the motivation coin. When we’re facing high levels of change and uncertainty our system...
Finding Courage When Facing Challenges
"Courage is not the absence of fear.It is feeling the fear and doing it anyway."― TJ Hoisington I’m sure you’ve heard the saying - life happens while you’re busy planning. We can try to prepare for various eventualities but in truth, we can...
Leadership Live – Trailer
This podcast is where you’ll find practical tips and ideas on how to deal with these challenges and become an extraordinary leader. The goal of this podcast is to expand your knowledge, up-level your leadership skills, and deliver extraordinary...
Strange times indeed
I think we're all feeling the strangeness of our times and I can see that this generates different responses for different people. I’ve been reflecting on the last 4 months since lockdowns, restrictions, masks and social distancing became our way...
EP 5 – Never Let a Good Crisis Go To Waste
Winston Churchill once said: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” During tough times, we can step back and try different perspectives that will help us get through. Find out the three things you can focus on when business is slow so that you’re...
EP 4 – Purpose in Crisis
Can you find your purpose in crisis? Of course, you can. This is what makes the difference between surviving and thriving in a crisis. Finding your purpose enables you to find meaning and get through to the other side. Ask yourself this question:...